*My Hubs*My Babes*Jesus*Glass*Books*Movies*Glee*Artichokes*Glass*The Internet*Vanilla Lattes*Glass*The Ocean*Netflix*Glass*The Color Pink*Broadway*
*OH, And The Glass*

These are a few of my favorite things.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


So, I decided to revamp my studio in my prime lampworking time period (Feb-April).  Sounds silly, but I have been WAITING for this studio for almost 8 years.  (Can you believe that this past March was my 9 year anniversary of melting glass?)  We moved into this house 8.5 years ago....and I've been biding my time, saving my pennies and planning my studio ever since.  

And it is almost done!! :)  If you follow me on Instagram (username: bucklebottom), then you'll know what all has been done thus far.  I've also posted a bit on my personal Facebook page, but no one has seen the full transition quite yet.  I have one more step and then have to get all my glass organized, but I'm so very close to having the studio of my dreams.  I can TASTE it.  I will be able to fire it all up in the summer, too.  You HAVE to have A/C in the hot AZ summer.  And I got me an A/C!  

I don't have any new work to show you due to this overhaul, but I did want to announce that I will be running a Mother's Day special thru the month of May.  Look for deep discounts, new items and my Mother/Grandmother's bracelets with birthstone colors to match your family.  I should be back at the torch by Monday and I will be making stock for my birthstone beads.

Stay tuned.