*My Hubs*My Babes*Jesus*Glass*Books*Movies*Glee*Artichokes*Glass*The Internet*Vanilla Lattes*Glass*The Ocean*Netflix*Glass*The Color Pink*Broadway*
*OH, And The Glass*

These are a few of my favorite things.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Fair and Square!

Well, I wrote all six names on individual slips of paper, folded them up, put them in a hat and my Bubbas (7 year old daughter) drew out a square.....

And it's the ONE PERSON who literally remained anonymous!  LOL!  But, the peppermint or pumpkin earrings are yours if you e-mail me in the next couple days.  If I don't hear from you, say, by Monday morning, I will draw another name.  So "YOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!!!!"  Will Miss (I assume) Anonymous please stand up? 

Thank you ALL for the wonderful comments!  They made my heart sing!