*My Hubs*My Babes*Jesus*Glass*Books*Movies*Glee*Artichokes*Glass*The Internet*Vanilla Lattes*Glass*The Ocean*Netflix*Glass*The Color Pink*Broadway*
*OH, And The Glass*

These are a few of my favorite things.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Thank you!

I have wonderful friends, family and customers!  I've managed to clean out a bit of my inventory to make new for more, springy things!  In fact, I've already started making beads with a little less "wintery" theme. 

But, as always, I need inspiration.  I'd love for you all to provide a link, picture or description of colors and images that you find particularly lovely and awe inspiring.  Okay?  Sound good?  THANKS! :)

Have a grrrrrrrrreat week!